European Bank for Reconstruction and Development

Name of the organization

European Bank for Reconstruction and Development (EBRD)

General information about the organization

· EBRD was founded in 1991;

· Headquarters are located in London;

· 71 countries, as well as the European Union and the European Investment Bank are members of EBRD;

· Odile-Renaud Basso is the President of the EBRD;

  • Board Member: Türkiye, Azerbaijan, Moldova, Romania, Kyrgyzstan;

Information about cooperation between Azerbaijan and the organization

· Azerbaijan has been a member of the Bank since September 25, 1992;

· Nataly Mouravidze has been appointed as a Head of Baku Resident Office since July 12, 2023.

  • Current projects:

- Support for the Implementation of Renewable Energy Auctions in Azerbaijan;

- Grant Agreement for Ganja Street Lighting Project;

- The Technical Assistance in relation to the Development of the Power Sector in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

- Grant Agreement for Street Lighting in the city of Ganja - Project Implementation Support;

- Grant Agreement on Ganja Solid Waste Project Implement Support.