The 1st meeting of the Working Group was held on the preparation of the Digital Economy Strategy

The first meeting of the working group on development of the digital economy strategy was held under the chairmanship of First Deputy Minister of Economy of Azerbaijan Elnur Aliyev.

At the online meeting with the participation of representatives of relevant state institutions and the Center for Analysis and Coordination of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4İR), acting as the secretariat of the working group, detailed information on the principles of the group's activities, and upcoming tasks for the development of the digital economy in Azerbaijan was given.

It was noted that the document will be a single national strategy, that will determine the direction of the digital economy development in Azerbaijan, also, the proposals of the members of the working group were presented, and discussions were held.

In accordance with the Action Plan of the "Socio-economic development strategy for 2022-2026 of the Republic of Azerbaijan", approved by the decree of the President of Azerbaijan dated July 22, 2022, the Ministry of Economy has created a Working Group in order to develop a digital economy strategy.