President of the Islamic Development Bank Group visited Shusha

The delegation led by the President of the Islamic Development Bank Group Muhammad Suleiman Al-Jasir, who is on a visit to our country, visited Shusha.

The special representative of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan in Shusha district, Aydin Karimov informed the guests about the ongoing work done in Shusha.

The delegation was also presented presentations by the employees of the Ministry of Economy on the economic potential of our territories liberated from occupation, implemented infrastructure projects, and concessions for entrepreneurs.

The President of the Islamic Development Bank Group, Muhammad Suleyman Al-Jasir, noted the importance of the projects implemented jointly with Azerbaijan in terms of the development of the economy, including infrastructure in our country, and emphasized the great potential for expanding cooperation. Şuşaya səfərindən məmnunluğunu ifadə edən Məhəmməd Süleyman Əl-Casir görülən işləri yüksək qiymətləndirib, Bankın Şuşada həyata keçirilən layihələrə maraq göstərdiyini, investisiya sahəsində əməkdaşlığın mümkünlüyünü qeyd edib.

The delegation of the Islamic Development Bank Group got acquainted with Shusha city square, Khan gizi spring, Yukhari Govhar agha Mosque, Shusha Castle walls, Cıdır Duzu within the framework of the visit to Shusha.