Discussed development dynamics of interregional relations between Azerbaijan and Russia

Issues of diversification of economic partnership between Azerbaijan and Russia, development of interregional relations were discussed and favorable business and investment opportunities of our country were brought to attention at the meeting held at the Ministry of Economy.


It was a meeting at the Ministry of Economy with the delegation led by Ruslan Edelgeriev, adviser to the President of the Russian Federation.

Minister Mikayil Jabbarov stressed the positive dynamics in the development of relations with the Russian Federation, noted the importance of intensifying partnership of business circles in realizing economic potential, strengthening trade and investment relations. It was mentioned that the favorable business and investment environment of Azerbaijan, the wide potential of our lands liberated from occupation open new perspectives for the development of regional cooperation, including partnership with the Russian Federation. Russian investors can also take advantage of the transport and logistics opportunities of the Alat Free Economic Zone, located at the intersection of international corridors. Emphasizing the special role of increasing the efficiency of transport links in the growth of bilateral trade, the Minister of Economy stressed the importance of using the resources of the international transport route North-South.

Expressing his satisfaction with his visit to our country, Ruslan Edelgeriev noted that the Russian Federation attaches special importance to the partnership with Azerbaijan, the role of increasing the activity of the private sector in mutually beneficial development, and shared his views on realizing the economic potential. The possibility of implementing various socio-economic projects was considered at the meeting, which was attended by representatives of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of the Russian Federation and the embassy in Azerbaijan, the Trade Representative Office, the regional council of the All-Russian State Children and Youth Public Movement "Movement of the First" of the Chechen Republic.

The parties also discussed the diversification of economic cooperation between Azerbaijan and Russia, the forthcoming work to maintain the dynamism of mutual trade, the development of relations in interregional, tourism and other fields.