Meeting held between the Public Council under the Ministry of Economy and the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations

Discussions were held at the meeting with the Public Council under the Ministry of Economy on the development of the private sector in Azerbaijan, issues faced by entrepreneurs and public-private cooperation in their resolution.


The Public Council under the Ministry of Economy continues discussions with professional public unions and associations operating in the economic field in accordance with the action plan. Another such meeting was held with the National Confederation of Entrepreneurs (Employers) Organizations of the Republic of Azerbaijan.

Ideas were shared, about the development of entrepreneurship in Azerbaijan, the issues faced by entrepreneurs in the current conditions and the importance of public-private cooperation in solving them, and the steps taken by AEC in this direction were brought to attention at the meeting, took place in the context of mutual discussions. The communication mechanisms of entrepreneurs with the AEC, the model of forwarding incoming proposals and complaints by the AEC according to their relevance were brought to the attention of the event participants. The parties noted the importance of the preparing normative-legal acts, amendments to the legislative acts regulating activity in the field of entrepreneurship, and the participation of entrepreneurs and public associations they represent in the legislative process in general.

Opinions were exchanged at the meeting with the members of the Public Council on the directions of cooperation, suggestions were heard, and questions were answered.