SME friends started their activities in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic

SME friends who will operate in the cities of Nakhchivan, Julfa, Shahbuz and Saderak district will support the development of business, the creation of new SMEs, the realization of investment initiatives of entrepreneurs and the protection of their interests in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic.


SMEs friends started operating in the cities of Nakhchivan, Julfa, Shahbuz and Sadarak district in Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. SME friends will support the establishment of new SMEs and the development of available businesses, the realization of investment initiatives of entrepreneurs and the protection of their interests in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. SME-friendly offices will serve the entrepreneurs of the surrounding regions as well as the respective cities and regions.

A meeting was held with entrepreneurs in connection with the start of activity of SME friends in the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, on April 19 at the Nakhchivan Business Center organized by the Ministry of Economy of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic and the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SME).

The meeting held with the participation of the Minister of Economy of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Tapdig Aliyev and the Chairman of the Board of the Confederation of Entrepreneurs of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic Vugar Abbasov was attended by representatives of relevant institutions and entrepreneurs operating in various sectors.

Minister of Economy of the Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic, Tapdig Aliyev, reported about the current situation in the economic field in Nakhchivan, the economic potential of the region, the measures implemented in the areas of economic activity, and emphasized the confidence that SME friends will support micro, small and medium business subjects.

The Chairman of the Management Board of KOBIA Orkhan Mammadov provided detailed information about the support and services provided by the Agency to entrepreneurs, including the SME-friendly mechanism. It was stated that currently 46 SME friends are operating in 39 cities and districts of the country. SME friends will also operate in 4 cities and districts of Nakhchivan Autonomous Republic. The goal is to support the development of entrepreneurship and the creation of new SME subjects within the framework of state support mechanisms by making maximum use of the economic potential of Nakhchivan, and making the support and services of KOBIA more accessible to Nakhchivan entrepreneurs. Nakhchivan entrepreneurs were invited to active cooperation with their SME friends.

Orkhan Mammadov noted that the SME Development Center will soon be opened in Nakhchivan. The SME Development Center will provide advice, training, business plan preparation and other services to Nakhchivan entrepreneurs free of charge.

Videos on the support and services of KOBIA were presented the difficulties and proposals of entrepreneurs were listened to within the framework of the event.