Presentation held on a unique carpet “State architect. Encyclopedia of a lifetime”

The encyclopedic commemorative carpet composition "State architect. Encyclopedia of a lifetime" organized by the Ministry of Economy and "Azerkhalcha" JSC and displayed on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the national leader Heydar Aliyev's birth reflects the legacy and activities of the Great Leader in loops.


The encyclopedic commemorative carpet composition "State architect. Encyclopedia of a lifetime" was presented on the occasion of the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev with the organization of the Ministry of Economy and "Azerkhalcha" JSC.

Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov making a speech at the event, emphasized that the 100th anniversary of the birth of Heydar Aliyev, the founder of the modern Azerbaijan state, the national leader, is being celebrated by our people. Azerbaijani carpet makers commemorate the unforgettable memory of the Great Leader with their unique creativity from this point of view, in solidarity with our society. The project once again confirms the high creative potential of carpet weaving in Azerbaijan.  Carpet weaving was developed in peoples with ancient and rich culture and strong traditions of statehood. The fact that this profession is closely related to our national heritage indicates the richness and antiquity of the material and moral culture of the Azerbaijani people. It is no coincidence that President Ilham Aliyev pays great attention and care to the heritage of carpet weaving, which is an integral part of our national culture, and fertile conditions are created for the realization of the creative possibilities of this profession in the modern era, and for the emergence of new creative examples.

It was noted that in the modern era, the history and destiny of the Azerbaijani people and statehood was decided on the personality of the National Leader and his great ideas. The comprehensive new stage of development of Azerbaijan, began in the late 60s of the last century under the leadership of the Great Leader, was completed at the end of the century with the restoration of national statehood and the successful fulfillment of the mission of creating a modern, strong state. A strong and independent state, an efficient, continuously developing economy and a prosperous, free society were formed in Azerbaijan thanks to Heydar Aliyev's leadership skills and development strategy. Our state gains new successes and signs great victories today, following the path defined by Heydar Aliyev. At the same time, the people of Azerbaijan demonstrate their loyalty to the legacy of Heydar Aliyev at every moment. Today's example of creativity is also an expression of loyalty to the Great Leader's legacy and always keeping his memory high. The presented carpet composition is unique and reflects the legacy and activities of Heydar Aliyev in loops.

The Minister of Economy congratulated the carpet makers of Azerbaijan on the occasion of "Carpet Makers' Day", a professional holiday of carpet makers, and wished them success in their work.

Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Azerkhalcha" JSC Emin Mammadov noted that May 5 is celebrated as "Carpet Makers' Day" by the decree of the head of state dated November 25, 2016, in Azerbaijan. Azerbaijani carpet art was included in the list of intangible cultural heritage of UNESCO on the initiative of the First Vice-President of the Republic of Azerbaijan, President of the Heydar Aliyev Foundation, Mehriban Aliyeva. For example, other measures related to the development of carpet weaving clearly reflect the successful continuation of the Great Leader's care for our culture by our state in the new era. Emin Mammadov spoke about the process of preparing the presented project and expressed his gratitude for the support provided to the carpet weavers and the development of this profession.        

Emin Mammadov introduced the carpet composition dedicated to the Great Leader, and also showed a video at the event, about the ideas reflected in the project.

For your information, we inform you that the co-authors of the project are Honored artist, Chairman of the Board of Directors of "Azerkhalcha" JSC Emin Mammadov, Honored artist Rashad Alakbarov, and the executors are the creative team of JSC. 11 weavers working in the institution's Ismayilli workshop have contributed to the creation of the woven triptych since May 2022. The weaving of the commemorative carpet was completed in April of this year. In each part of the work, which consists of three parts, the general life philosophy of the National Leader, the issues he always kept in mind, and the values he attached importance to are reflected in the "carpet language" for the first time.

Symbols representing the unity and greatness of the people are the border motif in the first part (representing the number 1), according to the composition of the carpet. Considering the fact that the Great Leader was with the people in the fight against the external and internal conflicts that our republic experienced in the 90s of the last century, relying on their faith and strength, Heydar Aliyev - the people's unity was reflected on the carpet. The outlines of the outer border of the carpet reflect the initials of the National Leader's name and surname.

The Great Leader, who ensured political and economic stability in our republic, was the patron of science and education in independent Azerbaijan, as in the previous periods when he led the country. Heydar Aliyev and education is one of the main topics of the first part of the carpet. In addition, the National Leader's love for our national music, his favorite flower - the cranberry rose, the books he considers spiritual wealth, the examples of national architecture built by his efforts and direct initiative, the stylized symbols of our culture - tar, kaman, tambourine, yalli (Turkish folk dance), tea in a armudu glass and other elements are also reflected in that part.

The Military School named after Jamshid Nakhchivanski was opened in Baku during the leadership of the Great Leader to Azerbaijan, for the training of qualified national soldiers in our republic, and relevant faculties and departments were established in higher and secondary schools to train specialists in accordance with modern requirements. This work of Heydar Aliyev, who laid the foundation of the National Army, was widely reflected in the second part of the carpet.

Azerbaijan has become a pillar of peace in the region, and the capital Baku has become a platform for international cooperation thanks to the determination, will and courage of the national leader. From this point of view, the "Contract of the Century" authored by Heydar Aliyev is also engraved on the carpet.

Great importance was given to agriculture, as one of the leading sectors of the economy, both during the first coming to power and during the period when the Great Leader led independent Azerbaijan, a significant foundation was created for the development of the agrarian sector and the well-being of the population in the regions. The activity of the National Leader in this field was reflected on the memorial carpet.

The last and most important part of the triptych is called "Past and Future – at the crossthoughts", which features a modern, linear portrait of Heydar Aliyev. Here, Heydar Aliyev who stepped bravely in front of his people, worked selflessly for the sake of a prosperous future, and who was always proud of his rich history and moral values, watches the country's present with great pride and its future with confidence from a high peak. The image of the "Symbol of an Ideal Society" - a family image was given in the image of the Great Leader, surrounded by geometric pattern elements of hands holding hands, which are considered a symbol of "Unity, brotherhood and strength", defining the borders of the carpet. The flame, hearth, birds - guardian angels, plants - abundance and prosperity, and the rose in this part, are reflected as an element of care and support for future generations.