Entrepreneurs invited to international import exhibition

The Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Republic announces the acceptance of exporters' applications for participation in the single country stand at “7th China International Import Expo 2024 (CIIE 2024), which will be held in Shanghai, People's Republic of China, on November 5-10, 2024.

Maximum number of exporters to participate in a single country stand – 4 companies.

The participants will be selected on competitive basis.

Areas of the exhibition: Food and beverages

HS code

Product name


coffee, tea, maté and spices




oil seeds and oleaginous fruits; miscellaneous grains, seeds and fruit; industrial or medicinal plants; straw and fodder


preparations of meat, of fish or of crustaceans, molluscs or other aquatic invertebrates


sugars and sugar confectionery


cocoa and cocoa preparations


preparations of cereals, flour, starch or milk; pastrycooks' products


preparations of vegetables, fruit, nuts or other parts of plants


miscellaneous edible preparations


beverages, spirits and vinegar


Organizer of the competition: The Ministry of Economy of Azerbaijan Republic; Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan –  AZPROMO.


The competition will be held in AZPROMO on October 17, 2024 according to the “Rules for the organization and conduct of the competition for the selection of exporters who will participate in support measures”, approved by the decision № 470 of the Cabinet of Ministers of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated 31 October 2018.


Selection criterions:

  • Production capacity of exporter on products to be demonstrated – 10 points;
  • Export potential of products to be demonstrated to the target country – 10 points
  • Whether the enterpreneur has previous export experience (indicating the quantity of exported products) – 5 points;
  • Minimum passing point due to the sum of criterions – 20 (twenty) points.


To participate in the single country stand, the following documents should be submitted to AZPROMO:

  • Application;
  • Conditions for participation in the support event;
  • Documents or information on the entrepreneur's production and export potential and previous export experience;
  • Certificate or certificates received from the tax authority about the last one-year turnover and tax debt;
  • Bank account statement (indicating transactions carried out during the previous 365 days of submission of the application).


Documents should be submitted until October 10, 2024 at the following address: Export and Investment Promotion Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan –  AZPROMO, Baku Business Center, Neftchilar ave., 32, Baku, AZ1000.


For further information please contact:


Kanan Muzaffarli

Chief specialist of Division of the Affairs with Exporters of the Export Promotion Department

Tel: +99412 5980147/48 (daxili 3630)

E-mail: kanan.muzaffarli@azpromo.gov.az

Mob: (+994556042544)


Ali Babayev

AZPROMO – Senior specialist of Division of the Affairs with Exporters of the Export Promotion Department

Tel: +99412 5980147/48 (daxili 3664)

E-mail: ali.babayev@azpromo.gov.az

Mob: (+994502003940)


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