High yield from agro-park’s grain fields

The Agency for Development of Economic Zones (ADEZ) of the Ministry of Economy organized a press tour to the agro-parks of Agro Dairy LLC, located on the territory of Tovuz (Jeyranchol) and Samukh.

First, media representatives got acquainted with the activities of the agro-park located in Tovuz. As reported, at present, 4 pumping stations and 105 pivot irrigation systems operate in the agro-park, which allows irrigating more than 7,078 hectares of land.

Barley this year was sown on 613 hectares, wheat on 5179 hectares, sugar beet on 1039 hectares, early corn on 147 hectares and soybeans on 72 hectares. At present, barley is being harvested in the agro-park, and above 8 tons of crop is obtained per hectare. On the sugar beet fields of the agro-park, as in previous years, a high yield is expected – 70 tons or more per hectare.

Later on, the media representatives visited the agro-park located on the territory of Samukh. The agro-park has a 60,000-ton silo complex, a warehouse of 5,000 m³, and a water pumping station. At present, 3 pumping stations and 48 pivot irrigation systems have been installed in the agro-park, which allows irrigating more than 2992 hectares of land.

This year, 221.7 hectares of barley, 2416 hectares of wheat, 295.6 hectares of alfalfa and 58.6 hectares of soybeans have been sown in the agro-park. More than 8.4 tons of barley were obtained per hectare of the already harvested 150 hectares.

Note that more than 182.6 million manats have been invested in the agro-parks of Agro Dairy LLC, located in Tovuz (Jeyranchol) and Samukh. Thanks to the investment promotion document issued by the Ministry of Economy, the Company saved 2.88 million manats for importing equipment, process equipment and devices for the Tovuz (Jeyranchol) and Samukh projects.