Meeting between Public Council and STS under Economy Ministry held

A meeting took place between the State Tax Service (STS) under the Ministry of Economy and the Public Council under the Ministry as part of a joint discussion of amendments to tax legislation with public associations representing the interests of entrepreneurs.

Nijat Imanov, Head of the STS Main Tax Policy Department, made a presentation at the meeting on the "Draft Law on Amendments to the Tax Code developed as part of the budgetary tax policy for the next year".

Members of the Public Council were informed in detail about the main directions of amendments to tax legislation for the next year, as well as about the successful results of the reforms carried out over the past periods. According to Nijat Imanov, it is planned to provide tax incentives to taxpayers operating in our liberated territories, as well as in the field of agro-processing to reduce the tax burden for promoting the investment environment and local production, which are the main areas of change.

The participants were also made aware of such areas as reducing the tax burden of the population through social benefits in the package of amendments, protecting the country's position in international ratings, as well as changing a number of administrative regulations.

The proposal of the meeting participants to continue discussing a number of issues during the next meeting was welcomed by STS representatives.

To further increase the effectiveness of discussions, it was proposed to hold meetings within the framework of the working group in the relevant areas of activity.