20 vehicles sold at competitive auction

At the auction held on September 13 by the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy, 20 vehicles were privatized. In total, 148 orders were accepted for the vehicles put up for auction, 42 of which were placed electronically.

The use of e-services in the field of privatization of state property, and the possibility of ordering and participating online have further simplified the procedure for taking part in auctions, which leads to an increase in the number of bidders. This is evidenced by the fact that most vehicles are competitive.

At the regular auction, Japanese-made vehicles aroused more interest. Thus, the latest offer for a Honda Accord with the initial sale price of 8,000 manats increased 2.5 times to 20,000 manats. In addition, a Toyota Camry, the initial price of which was 8,000 manats, was sold for 15,700 manats.

The state budget will receive 132,350 manats for the vehicles sold at the auction on September 13.

The list of vehicles privatized at the auction can be found at: (https://clck.ru/322AdN )  

Please be aware that the regular auctions will take place on September 27, October 4 and 11. Blocks of shares in joint-stock companies, small state-owned enterprises and vehicles will be put up for auction.

Everyone can make a choice on the state property put up for auction on the official website of the Service (emlak.gov.az) or the Privatization Portal (privatization.az). By selecting the relevant auction service from the Electronic Services Portal (e-emlak.gov.az), it is possible to register for the auction and obtain the customer status after making the advance payment in the amount of 10% of initial auction price of state property.

Those interested in the process can visit the Property Services Space on the day of auction and watch the auctions without registration by selecting the Electronic Auction section from the Electronic Services Portal (e-emlak.gov.az).