United Nations Development Program

Name of the organization

The United Nations Development Program

General information about the organization

· The United Nations Development Program (UNDP) was launched in 1965 by the United Nations Technical Assistance Enlargement Program and the United Nations Special Fund;

· Its headquarters are located in New York City, United States;

· The administrator of the UNDP has been Achim Steiner since June 19, 2017. UNDP is operational in 177 countries around the world.

Information about cooperation between Azerbaijan and the organization

· UNDP has been operational in the Republic of Azerbaijan since 1992 and is the first UN organization to function in the country after its accession to the United Nations.

· Alessandra Roccasalvo was appointed UNDP Resident Representative a.i. in Azerbaijan in October 2023.

· Currently, UNDP's key activities in the country cover sustainable economic development and decent employment, human capital strengthening, environmental governance, and natural disasters and emergencies. Presently, 20 projects are under implementation in these mentioned areas.

  • Current projects:

- Assistance in the planning and implementation of adaptation in Azerbaijan within the framework of the National Adaptation Plan;

- Support for community-based initiatives led by women (phase III);

- Vocational Education and Training for the Future: Support for the Creation of Advanced Vocational Education Centers in Azerbaijan" project;

- Economic Support for Entrepreneurship and Employment (gender-based violence component);

- Support for the development of sustainable tourism in the regions;

- "EU4Majors" regional project

- Empowerment of women belonging to the vulnerable groups affected by the conflict in Azerbaijan and creation of equal opportunities for them in order to overcome the obstacles that prevent the increase of economic and social participation;

- Promotion of competitiveness, cooperation and modernization in the fruit and vegetable sector in Lankaran economic region;

- Creation of an electronic construction control system;

- NextGen;

- Support for the safe return of IDPs through Capacity Building of the Demining Agency of the Republic of Azerbaijan (ANAMA);

- Empowerment of social and economic authority of internally displaced population and vulnerable community;

- Creating inclusive and decent jobs for socially vulnerable groups of the population;

- Biodiversity financing;

- Support to the Ministry of Health in strengthening the medical supply system in Azerbaijan;

- Modernization of ICT infrastructure and services in the Republic of Azerbaijan;

- Nobody should be left out: creating the environment required for the transition to disability inclusion;

- Economic empowerment of women;

- Provision of early recovery assistance for the protection, means of livelihood and economic security of the population affected by the conflict in Azerbaijan;

- Development of innovation-based and sustainable civil society in Azerbaijan.