During the Patriotic War, the ownership rights of the houses built in the destroyed places of the residential areas in Tartar have been formalized

According to the information, President Ilham Aliyev's "Regulation of rights over the apartments of residential houses and multi-apartment residential buildings built at the expense of state funds in connection with the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, man-made accidents and military operations, as well as the regulation of some issues related to the land plots on which relevant measures are being taken in the direction in Tartar within the framework of the implementation of the decree dated April 7, 2022.

On December 23, the State Service for Real Estate Affairs under the Ministry of Economy provided mobile registration services in Tartar district and residential houses built at the expense of state funds were registered instead of residential areas destroyed as a result of Armenian terrorism. It should be noted that the documents of 70 houses have been registered in Tartar. In this way, citizens get their real estate statements without going to any institution, and this is an indicator of citizen satisfaction.

For information, The panel "The list of persons covered by the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated April 07, 2022" is posted in sthe web site of the Service.

The list of cities, regions and names of persons  covered by the decree noted on the panel.

You can click on the link to see the list: (https://clck.ru/335puJ).

Generally 639 residential property rights  registered up to now.

The State Service for Real Estate Affairs will continue to provide mobile registration services.