Azerbaijan and Japan sign convention to eliminate double taxation

Economy minister Mikayil Jabbarov met with the ambassador of Japan to Azerbaijan, Vada Junichi. The minister noted that the economic partnership between the two countries is expanding.

Parliamentary deputy minister of foreign affairs of Japan Yoshikawa Yumi in a video message spoke about relations between the two countries and stressed the importance of the convention on elimination of double taxation and prevention of tax evasion between the Republic of Azerbaijan and Japan in expanding trade and economic cooperation.

Ambassador Vada Junichi noted that 2022 is the 30th anniversary of diplomatic relations between Azerbaijan and Japan and shared his views on strengthening economic relations with Azerbaijan.

At the event, Azerbaijan and Japan have signed the Convention on the prevention of tax evasion and elimination of double taxation in relation to income taxes. The document was signed by Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov and Ambassador of Japan to Azerbaijan Vada Junichi.