Discussed economic and trade cooperation with the United States

The areas of cooperation in the fields of expanding cooperation between Azerbaijan and the United States, energy diversification, technology transfer, logistics, "green" energy and digital economy were discussed.

  • Azerbaijan successfully cooperates with the leading global companies in the field of renewable energy.
  • The USA has invested more than 18 billion dollars in the economy of Azerbaijan.
  • A trade mission of Azerbaijan will be organized to the United States.

First Deputy Minister of Economy Elnur Aliyev noted the development of economic and trade partnership with the United States in a meeting with Arun Venkataraman, Assistant Secretary of Commerce for global markets, U.S. It was stated that holding of trade missions and business meetings with the participation of the business circles of the two countries stimulates the diversification of economic relations. Elnur Aliyev touched upon the importance of organizing the USA-Azerbaijan "Green" Energy Forum in Baku in terms of increasing the investment between the two countries and applying the US experience in renewable energy. He pointed out that Azerbaijan already has successful examples of cooperation with the world's leading companies in this field.

The First Deputy Minister informed about the regional and global important projects initiated and participated in by our country. It was noted that we have successful cooperation with the United States in the energy sector. However, there is great potential, especially in agriculture, logistics, know-how and other areas in terms of diversification of economic and trade relations. The transit importance of our country for the USA was emphasized, and the importance of joint efforts to further expand the potential of the Trans-Caspian International Transport Route (Middle Corridor) was noted at the meeting.

It was pointed out that the USA has invested more than 18 billion dollars in the economy of Azerbaijan. The US-Azerbaijani Chamber of Commerce is an effective mechanism for developing investment cooperation and the establishing bilateral business relations. The planned US trade mission this year will also serve to deepen business relationships.

Arun Venkataraman expressed the intention of US companies to participate in the projects implemented in Azerbaijan and shared his views on the directions for expanding economic ties. To this end, the importance of intensifying the business dialogue between companies was emphasized.

The cooperation areas in the fields of promotion of trade and investment relations, energy diversification, technology transfer, logistics, "green" energy and digital economy were discussed at the meeting.