Azerbaijan delegation held meetings in Turkey

Our economic ties are expanding with fraternal Turkey. Agreement on new product lists to be applied under the Preferential Trade Agreement will further strengthen the trade partnership.


The delegation led by Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov visited Turkey.

Minister Mikayil Jabbarov emphasized in his meeting with Turkish Minister of Trade Mehmet Mush, the importance of the political will of the heads of state, friendly and fraternal relations, and the implementation of their tasks in the development of relations. It was brought to the attention that there is successful investment cooperation between the fraternal countries, that Turkey ranks first in terms of Azerbaijan's investments in foreign countries, and that Turkey is the country that invests the most in the non-oil and gas sector in our country. Turkish companies are actively carrying out construction work in the territories liberated from occupation, and it demonstrates our brotherhood once again.

Turkish Minister of Trade Mehmet Mush emphasized the strategic alliance of our countries and expressed his opinion on further strengthening of Azerbaijan-Turkey cooperation. The parties discussed the partnership of small and medium-sized businesses, strengthening cooperation in the fields of transport, tourism, pharmaceuticals, as well as other issues of mutual interest.

The protocol on the amendment to the Preferential Trade Agreement between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Republic of Turkey was initialed within the framework of the meeting. The Agreement on new product lists to be applied in mutual trade will contribute to further strengthening of the trade partnership.

Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov emphasized the energy partnership and noted that the projects implemented by SOCAR in Turkey, "Petkim Wind Energy Station" is a successful model for increasing renewable energy supply in a meeting with Alparslan Bayraktar, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of the Republic of Turkey.

Alparslan Bayraktar, Deputy Minister of Energy and Natural Resources of Turkey, emphasized that the jointly realized global projects serve to ensure the strategic interests of our countries. It was noted that the large-scale energy projects carried out with the participation of Azerbaijan and Turkey are of particular importance in ensuring the energy security of Europe.

The parties discussed the current situation regarding the cooperation between countries in the energy sector and partnership in the implementation of global projects.

The role of strengthening bilateral relations in the field of insurance in the development of the economy was noted, and the opportunities of Turkish insurance companies to invest in the insurance market of Azerbaijan were exchanged at the meeting with Atilla Benli, Chairman of the Insurance Association of Turkey.