New resident in "Araz Valley Economic Zone" Industrial Park

The new resident of “Araz Valley Economic Zone" Industrial Park will invest 7.3 million manats in the Industrial Park, and 124 people will be employed.


The residence status was granted to "Improtex Karabakh Industrial Complex" LLC in the "Araz Valley Economic Zone" Industrial Park under the management of the Economic Zones Development Agency (EZIA) under the Ministry of Economy.

"Improtex Karabakh Industrial Complex" LLC will create an enterprise for demining, special-purpose equipment and metal products production on the 5-hectare territory of the Industrial Park.

124 people will be provided with jobs in the enterprise with an investment volume of more than 7.3 million manats. In addition to the sale of the products produced at the factory in the domestic market, export is planned too.

The establishment of this enterprise will make an important contribution to the process of demining the liberated areas, thereby accelerating the Great Return.