4SIM and "AzerGold" CJSC started cooperation on "Smart Industrial Readiness Index" and "Smart" transformation

An agreement was signed between the Center for the Analysis and Coordination of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4SIM) and "AzerGold" CJSC under the Ministry of Economy on the assessment of "Smart Industry Readiness Index" (SIRI) and cooperation on "Smart" transformation.

Consulting services will be provided by 4SIM according to the document in order to measure digital readiness and accelerate digitalization at the production facility of "AzerGold" CJSC. By applying the "SIRI" method recommended by the World Economic Forum and recognized as one of the effective digital readiness assessment programs for the Fourth Industrial Revolution, the real situation related to digitization in production and business processes will be analyzed, a road map will be developed to ensure the development of the activity during the period of 2-3 years through the most optimal technological solutions, the methodology and other details of the prioritized projects will be worked out and presented.



Note: The SIRI assessment compiled by Singapore Economic Development Board together with international companies such as "McKinsey", "Siemens", "SAP", "Technical Inspection Association" in order to accelerate digital transformation on a global scale, is the only digital maturity assessment method officially accepted by the World Economic Forum and this method has been applied in more than 850 companies and enterprises operating in different fields in 30 countries of the world.