Documents issued on the development of Lankaran-Astara economic region presented

It was discussed the works carried out within the framework of the technical assistance project "European Union support to the Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan" funded by the European Union and the beneficiary of the Ministries of Economy and Agriculture.

The development plan developed for Lerik region was presented within the framework of the technical assistance project "European Union support to the Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan" funded by the European Union (EU), which is a beneficiary of the Ministries of Economy and Agriculture.

Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov noted at the event held in this regard that balanced development of the regions in our country is one of the priority directions of the economic policy, the socio-economic development state programs implemented for this purpose are of special importance in the continuous improvement of the business environment in the regions and the increase of social welfare. Different tools are used for the development of the non-oil economy and support of the private sector in Azerbaijan. In this regard, special attention is paid to cooperation with international organizations, especially the European Union within the framework of various programs and projects. The Deputy Minister stated that there are great expectations regarding the contribution of the technical assistance project "European Union support to the Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan" to the socio-economic development of the regions, which began to be implemented on September 1, 2021 and expressed his opinions and suggestions about the documents prepared within the project to the project team and recommended the acceleration of work and strengthening of control in the direction of project implementation.

The head of the EU Delegation in our country, Ambassador Peter Michalko, emphasized the importance of expanding cooperation with state institutions on joint projects, including the "European Union support to the Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan" project. It was reported that Lerik's development plan for 2023-2028, documents on the development of agriculture, agro-tourism and eco-tourism in the region were prepared according to the Road Map of the project.

Lerik's development plan and relevant documents were presented, and extensive discussions were held with the participation of relevant institutions within the framework of the event.

Note: The goal of the project "European Union support to the Lankaran-Astara economic region of Azerbaijan" is to improve the regional territorial development planning system, create a modern local economic and community cooperation center network in the fruit and vegetable sector, as well as improve the competitiveness and added value of the fruit and vegetable sector in the Lankaran-Astara economic region through the improvement of entrepreneurship and investment conditions.  The duration of the project is 38 months.