Application rules for entrepreneurial activity license

Where to apply for a business license and what documents to be submitted?


The Ministry of Economy currently issues licenses for 23 types of entrepreneurial activities. In addition to the "Licenses and Permits" portal, the Ministry provides services to entrepreneurs for issuing licenses through SME houses under the Small and Medium Business Development Agency and 11 "ASAN service" centers (No. 5 Baku, Sumgait, Ganja, Sabirabad, Barda, Guba, Gabala, Masalli, Mingachevir, Imishli and Sheki), accepting applications and issuing licenses. In addition, in order to save time and ensure optimal documentation in "ASAN service" centers and SME houses, the Ministry of Economy provides advisory services to entrepreneurs intending to get a license.

The documents required to obtain a license are: the application and the documents attached to the application. If the applicant is a legal entity, an extract from the state register of legal entities is attached to the application, but if the applicant is an individual entrepreneur, a copy of the identity card is attached. In addition, a copy of the certificate of registration as a tax payer, a document confirming ownership, use or lease rights on each of the facilities mentioned in the application, and documents confirming the fulfillment of license conditions are attached to the application. Depending on the nature of the type of activity, documents confirming the fulfillment of the conditions defined by the laws of the Republic of Azerbaijan and additional conditions defined by the Cabinet of Ministers are also to be submitted.