Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov met with CEO of Total Energies

The expansion of partnership in the energy sector, as well as cooperation in the field of renewable energy production were discussed in the meeting with the CEO of Total Energies Patrick Pouyanne.


Minister of Economy and SOCAR Supervisory Board Chairman Mikayil Jabbarov and SOCAR President Rovshan Najaf met with Total Energies CEO Patrick Pouyanne.

The importance of large international oil and gas projects realized with the initiative and active participation of our country was noted at the meeting, and it was stated that successful cooperation between SOCAR and "Total Energies" was implemented. It was emphasized that the favorable business and investment environment of Azerbaijan and the high interest of foreign companies in this regard to our country allow us to implement important projects on a regional and global scale with international partners.

It was noted that supplying the first gas from the Absheron gas-condensate field will increase our country's production capabilities and strengthen its position as a reliable partner in the global energy ecosystem.

Discussions were held between the parties on the expansion of partnership in the oil and gas sector, perspective projects, as well as cooperation in the field of renewable energy production.