International conference held on "Heydar Aliyev and the economy of Azerbaijan"

The winners of the international scientific and practical article competition "A state with a strong economy is capable of everything" were awarded within the framework of the conference held on the topic "Heydar Aliyev and the economy of Azerbaijan".

​ An international conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the National Leader's birth was held by the Economic Scientific Research Institute (ESRI) under the Ministry of Economy on the topic "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan's economy". 

Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Alakbarov making a speech at the opening speech at the conference, pointed out that one of Heydar Aliyev's greatest services to our people is the provision of political and economic stability in Azerbaijan, the reconstruction of the economy, and the beginning of the stage of sustainable development. The foundation of today's dynamically developing sustainable economy was laid as a result of the economic reforms carried out by the Great Leader.

A panel was held on "Heydar Aliyev - living memories and economic strategy" as part of the event, and social and political figure Hasan Hasanov, member of Parliament Ziyad Samadzade, rector of Azerbaijan State University of Economics Adalat Muradov, Director General of the Institute of Mathematics and Mechanics of the Ministry of Science and Education, Misir Mardanov as well as BP's vice president for external relations and communication in the Caspian region, Bakhtiyar Aslanbeyli, spoke about the important reforms carried out by the great leader Heydar Aliyev in the socio-economic field and his invaluable activity in the formation of the new oil strategy. It was brought to attention that great successes were achieved under the leadership of Heydar Aliyev in the application of market economy principles - private ownership, free entrepreneurship, privatization, development of the non-oil sector, industry, modernization of social infrastructure and other areas.

Mahir Humbatov, chairman of ESRI's Board of Directors, informed the participants of the conference about the international scientific and practical article competition "A state with a strong economy is capable of everything!" held by the Institute. It was pointed out that the competition is important from the point of view of studying Heydar Aliyev's heritage outside the borders of the country. Selected articles were published in the Institute's newly established International Journal of Strategic Economic Thinking (JSET).

Later, employees of educational and scientific-research institutions and think tanks of Azerbaijan, Belarus, Kuwait, Moldova, Pakistan and Turkey who won the competition - Muhammad Samadov, Oleg Leshenyuk, Haila Almekaimi, Ruslan Shevchenko, Khalid Taimur Akram, Muhammad Zaman, Mehmood Ul Hassan Khan and Dogajan Basharan were awarded.