Residence status granted to 26 business entities in industrial zones

More than 135 million manats were invested last year in the industrial zones managed by the Economic Zones Development Agency, and more than 700 permanent jobs were created.

26 business entities were granted residency status in 2023 in industrial zones managed by the Economic Zones Development Agency (EZIA). 7 of them were registered as residents of Agdam Industrial Park, 5 of "Araz Valley Economic Zone" Industrial Park, 8 of Sumgayit Chemical Industrial Park, 3 of Pirallahi Industrial Park, 1 of Hajigabul Industrial District, 2 of Sabirabad Industrial District. It is planned to invest 471 million manats by registered residents and create more than 3100 jobs. Production of base oils, composite fittings, mirrors, disposable three-component syringes, various purpose medicines, dairy products, aerated concrete blocks, commercial concrete and dry adhesives and other products will be carried out by the mentioned residents in the industrial zones.

At the same time, 12 enterprises started operating in 2023 in the industrial zones managed by the Economic Zones Development Agency. 135 million manats have been invested in industrial zones by these enterprises that have started their activities. 744 permanent jobs were created. These enterprises are engaged in the production of polymer additives, ceramic tiles, packaging products, thermal insulation boards, brake dams for vehicles and other products.