4SIM informed public about its activities

The Fourth Industrial Revolution Analysis and Coordination Center held a press conference on the results of last year's activities.

A press conference was held dedicating to the results of the year 2023 of the Analysis and Coordination Center of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (4SIM) under the Ministry of Economy. The executive director of 4SIM, Fariz Jafarov, informed media representatives about the activity of the institution during the past year, projects and initiatives implemented jointly with the World Economic Forum, cooperation with state institutions, and implemented events.

It was reported that 4SIM is one of the 22 fourth industrial revolution (4SI) centers of the World Economic Forum (WEF) around the world, and is the only such center in the CIS. 4SIM operates with DIF in 3 main directions: artificial intelligence, machine learning, internet of things and digital commerce. 4 startups were supported in this context to participate in the Summer Davos Forum held in China last year.

In addition, 4SIM participated as an organizer and partner in more than 50 initiatives, more than 30 local and international events in 2023. In the framework of cooperation with state institutions, 8 research documents were prepared on successful solutions for the application of 4SI technologies in the national economy, agriculture, industry, healthcare, public procurement, media and education.

It was reported that the implementation of projects has started relating to the creation of a digital twin, an artificial intelligence platform in the Azerbaijani language (GenAI) and the Center for Modern Technologies.

Information was also provided at the press conference about the implementation of the Generative Artificial Intelligence-based "4SIM chatbot", "4SI solutions in customs", "Strengthening the competitive advantages of Azerbaijani wrestlers by applying digital solutions".

It was pointed out that 4SIM is an active participant in the formation of the science and industry cluster. The institution was one of the 3 main partners of the InMerge Innovation Summit held in Baku on November 30-December 1 last year. An inter-institutional cooperation memorandum on support for the development of the startup ecosystem was signed within the framework of the summit with the participation of SOCAR and "Pasha Holding" companies. Also, the "Smart Industry Readiness Index" (SIRI) project was successfully implemented for "SOCAR Polymer" and "AzerGold" companies for the purpose of digital transformation of the industry.  

The "4SI Academy" project was successfully implemented within the framework of cooperation with the "Coursera" company. About 800 courses and trainings of the world's leading universities and companies were provided free of charge within the project. So far, 4,000 people have benefited from these courses and trainings. Cooperation with "Coursera" is planned to be continued this year as well.

"4SIM Talks" event was held 3 times during the year for different audiences (universities, state institutions, private sector) in order to raise awareness in the direction of 4SI. More than 600 participants took part in the events.

4SIM has also been active in the direction of youth development. Thus, 50 students from 9 different universities had experience in 4SIM projects and participated in research in the field of 4SIM technologies in 2023.

It was emphasized that the promotion of the use of "green" technologies in various sectors of the national economy and support for start-ups related to this direction will be in the focus of attention in 2024, within the framework of the "Green World Solidarity Year" and COP29.