Meeting held on special customs procedure for internal processing

The participants were informed about the procedure, and opinions were exchanged at the event on issues of interest to entrepreneurs.

A meeting was held with entrepreneurs on "Rules for placement of goods under the special customs procedure for internal processing" with the organization of the Export and Investment Promotion Agency – AZPROMO. Extensive information is provided on the special inward processing customs procedure at the meeting attended by about 30 exporters and Deputy Minister of Economy Samad Bashirli, First Deputy Chairman of the State Customs Committee Bahruz Guliyev, Executive Director of AZPROMO Yusif Abdullayev and other officials.

It was reported that the value of the goods placed under the inward processing customs procedure has increased year by year. There was an 85% increase in 2023, compared to 2022 in the value of goods imported for domestic processing for export, and a 77% increase in the number of companies using the procedure. This procedure makes an important contribution to increasing non-oil exports.

Opinions were exchanged at the meeting on issues of interest to entrepreneurs, and questions were answered.

Note: Inward processing is a special customs procedure consisting of bringing certain goods to the customs territory of the Azerbaijan Republic without customs duties and taxes, including VAT, for the purpose of export after processing operations. The placement of goods under a special customs procedure is carried out in Azerbaijan for the purpose of repair and processing. This, in turn, creates conditions for the development of the processing and service sector, stimulation of export activity.