The reception and review of applications related to the categorisation of lands, their transfer from one category to another, and the change of their purpose within the category are now carried out electronically through the "Review of Applications on the Category of Lands" electronic service launched by the State Service for Property Issues (SPS) under the Ministry of Economy, on the basis of the "single window" principle within the framework of the implementation of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan dated September 28, 2024.
Subjects applying for the transfer of land from one category to another and changing its purpose within a category (entrepreneurs who are land owners and users, citizens, state institutions and municipalities) can apply by logging into the electronic services portal of the Ministry of Economy ( and selecting the "Reviewing applications regarding the category of lands" electronic service or by entering the domain address
Relevant state bodies in relation to state-owned lands, relevant municipalities in relation to municipally-owned lands, land owners in relation to privately-owned lands, and in cases where the lands are in long-term use, individuals or legal entities who are tenants or users with the written consent of the owner can forward their applications and documents justifying the application to the State Land Registry in real time through this electronic service.
Applicants have the opportunity to log in to the electronic service via Digital Login, form their applications, confirm them with ASAN Signature, monitor the progress of the application review through their personal account, receive notifications about the results of the review, and also send missing documents and information upon request from the State Tax Service.
After checking the accuracy of the submitted documents based on the database of the Electronic Land Cadastral Information System and the state register of real estate, the Cadastral Information System electronically sends them to the Ministry of Agriculture, the State Committee for Urban Planning and Architecture, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources, and the Azerbaijan State Water Resources Agency for an opinion on changing the category of the land plot within 10 (ten) working days through the Electronic Government Information System.
Providing the applications that have received a positive opinion from state authorities, the relevant bodies of the State Land Management Agency prepare a land use plan (map) of the land plots whose category is intended to be changed within 15 (fifteen) working days. The work is finalized and the documents are sent to the Cabinet of Ministers in accordance with the deadlines and procedures set forth in the "Rules for Categorizing Land and Transferring It from One Category to Another," approved by the relevant Decree.
In the event of a positive decision by the Cabinet of Ministers, changes are made to the state land cadastre within 2 (two) business days after its copy is entered into the State Land Cadastre and the applicant is informed about this via the electronic service.
The new electronic service is aimed at transparently, flexibly and effectively reviewing applications from entrepreneurs, citizens, government agencies and municipalities, optimizing procedures and increasing satisfaction.
We would like to inform you that in order for electronic applications to be reviewed and responded to within the time period specified in the legislation, subjects must have electronic signatures as defined by law and ensure the completeness and integrity of the required documents.