Commemoration event held Ministry of Economy for January 20 National Mourning Day

January 20 is eternally etched in the historical memory of the Azerbaijani people as a day of independence, national pride, and struggle.

A commemoration event was held at the Ministry of Economy in connection with the 35th anniversary of January 20 – National Mourning Day. The event was attended by employees of the Ministry's structural units, subordinate agencies, and members of the public. The cherished memory of martyrs who sacrificed their lives for Azerbaijan's independence and territorial integrity was honored with a minute of silence.

Member of Parliament, Chairman of the Science and Education Committee of the National Assembly, Doctor of Historical Sciences, and Professor Anar Isgandarov delivered a speech on the historical and political aspects of the January 20 events. He noted that January 20 is eternally etched in the historical memory of the Azerbaijani people as the path to independence, a day of national pride and resistance. The events of January 20, 1990, symbolize our nation's determination and strong will. During these events, Azerbaijan’s brave sons and daughters sacrificed their lives to strongly protest the unjust and biased imperial policies pursued by the USSR leadership. Despite the brutality of the imperial army and the declaration of a state of emergency in Baku, on January 22, hundreds of thousands of people gathered in the city center to bid farewell to the martyrs of January 20. A massive rally was held in Freedom Square. These actions vividly demonstrated the nationwide movement for justice, freedom, territorial integrity, and sovereignty. The determination and courage of our people ultimately led to the restoration of our state's independence.

Speaking at the event, Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Alekperov emphasized that the January 20, 1990 events, written as a heroic chapter in Azerbaijan's history of struggle for freedom and independence, once again proved the unshakable will of our people. He noted that the crime committed to suppress the Azerbaijani people's demand for justice, desire for independence and sovereignty, and love for the homeland could not break their spirit of freedom. On the contrary, it strengthened the process of national self-awareness and revival. It was highlighted that National Leader Heydar Aliyev, by visiting Azerbaijan's Permanent Representation in Moscow and making a sharp statement against the USSR leadership, severely condemned the Soviet leadership and the organizers of the massacre, exposing those responsible for the tragedy. The political and legal assessment of January 20 at the state level became possible only after the return of the Great Leader to power in 1993.

It was emphasized that after the January 20 tragedy, our people united as one and restored their sovereignty. In the following years, the successful implementation of the national statehood policy by the Great Leader Heydar Aliyev further strengthened this unity. Under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan and Commander-in-Chief Ilham Aliyev, and through the bravery of our Glorious Army, our lands were liberated from occupation, and our territorial integrity was restored during the 44-day Patriotic War.

At the event, a film about the January 20 events prepared by Public Television was screened.