In Abu Dhabi, within the framework of the "Investopia 2025" event, cooperation issues were discussed at the Ministers' Roundtable and the panel session on "Regional Corridors: Creating Business Opportunities."
Within the framework of the “Investopia 2025” event held in Abu Dhabi, the capital of the United Arab Emirates, the Arab Countries - Central Asia - Azerbaijan Business Forum took place. Deputy Minister of Economy Samad Bashirli participated in the events organized as part of the forum.
Speaking at the panel session on "Regional Corridors: Creating Business Opportunities" within the forum, the Deputy Minister of Economy discussed the role of Azerbaijan's strategic location at the intersection of Arab states and Central Asia in fostering multilateral regional cooperation.
At the event, information was provided about the favorable business and investment environment in our country. It was emphasized that the Alat Free Economic Zone, as well as industrial parks offering modern infrastructure access, tax incentives, and various business support services, create vast opportunities for investors and ensure a dynamic environment for business development.
The "Abu Dhabi Communique" was adopted regarding the results of the Arab Countries - Central Asia - Azerbaijan Business Forum at the Round Table of Ministers.
The document highlights the strengthening of economic and investment cooperation between Arab countries, Central Asian states, and Azerbaijan, the development of transport routes, the establishment of strong logistics and trade networks, educational exchange, and other related issues.