Privatization auctions to take place on August 16 and 23

Privatization auctions will be held on August 16 and 23 by the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy. 26 vehicles will be put up for auction on August 16, while the auction to take place on August 23 will sell 17 small state-owned enterprises and facilities, and 36 vehicles.

The small state-owned enterprises and facilities put up for auction belong to various sectors of the economy. So, among them are agriculture, trade, service, production of building materials and facilities of another purpose. The enterprises and facilities put up for sale are located both in Baku and in our regions. Another advantage is that most of them are privatized along with land plots.

The initial starting price of small state-owned enterprises and facilities put up for privatization starts from 750 manats.

B.Sardarov Machine-Building Plant Limited Liability Company has the highest initial starting price. The cost of this company, located at 53, Binagadi highway, Binagadi district, Baku, totals to 16,061,000 manats, of which 1,692,075 manats were allocated for preferential sale to the labor collective, and 14,368,925 manats for the auction. The total useful area of the facility is 58,472 square meters, while the area of the privatized land plot equals to 117,787 square meters.

Most of the vehicles put up for auction are of Russian and German production. Vehicles’ years of manufacture cover from 1970 to 2011.

A complete list of state property can be found here: (