Aghdam Industrial Park expands business opportunities for entrepreneurs

Additional 8 modular dormitories (for 40 beds) have been installed in the mobile campus for residents of the Aghdam Industrial Park under the management of the Agency for Development of Economic Zones (ADEZ). As a result, the number of modular dormitories in the Industrial Park increased to 16 (for 80 beds).

Work also began to construct an administrative building on the territory of the Industrial Park. The administrative building will have a meeting room, modern office spaces, a training center, a laboratory, etc., and entrepreneurs will be provided with insurance, banking and customs services.

In addition, two 400 kV complete transformer substations have been installed in Aghdam Industrial Park, and the construction of an electrical substation of 40 MVA has begun. It worth noting that a 630 kV complete transformer substation was installed in the Industrial Park prior to that. The Industrial Park is provided with high-speed internet.

In general, a wide range of business opportunities will be created for entrepreneurs in Aghdam Industrial Park. Residents of the Industrial Park will be exempt from property tax, land tax, income or profit tax from the date of their registration, from VAT on the import of machinery, technological equipment and structures imported for industrial purposes for 10 years, and from customs duties for 7 years. It is planned to provide residents of the Industrial Park with additional benefits (providing special preferential bank loans, subsidizing social insurance payments, providing utility services at a reduced rate, customs benefits or VAT benefits when importing raw materials).