Normative legal acts registered by the state
On the Approval of the Rules for Internship and Probation in Tax Authorities
On the Approval of the Rules for Incentivizing Officials of the Tax Authorities"
On the Approval of the Rules for Issuing a Confirming Document Regarding the Import of Equipment, Technological Devices, and Installations, as well as Raw Materials and Materials, Exempted from VAT and Customs Duties in the Sectors of Economic Activity and Product Nomenclatures for the Liberated Territories
On the Approval of the Instruction for Auctioning and Selling Seized, Abandoned Property, Inherited Property that Passed into State Ownership, and Treasure
On the Approval of the Form for Information on Accounts Opened with Non-Resident Credit Institutions or Persons Conducting Banking Operations for Entrepreneurial Purposes in Accordance with Article 16.1.11 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan, the Form for Information on Accounts Opened by Banks, Credit Institutions, and the National Postal Service Operator for Taxpayers in Accordance with Article 35.1 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan (excluding accounts opened for non-residents not related to entrepreneurial activities), and the Form for Information on Accounts Belonging to Taxpayers Transferred by Banks, Credit Institutions, and the National Postal Service Operator in Accordance with Article 35.5 of the Tax Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan
On the Annulment of the 'Instruction on the Organization and Conduct of the Request for Quotations Procedure' Approved by Order No. 12 of the State Agency for Procurement of the Republic of Azerbaijan Dated June 25, 2003
On the Approval of the Form for the Certificate Regarding the Absence of Circumstances Mentioned in Articles,, and (in relation to financial sanctions) of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan 'On Public Procurement,' in Accordance with the Second Sentence of Article 23.7 of the Same Law
On the Approval of the Amount of the Charter Capital to Be Paid by the Legal Entity Envisaged in Articles 45.1.6-1 and 52.1.10 of the Migration Code of the Republic of Azerbaijan for the Issuance (Extension) of Temporary or Permanent Residence Permits on the Territory of the Republic of Azerbaijan, and on the Confirmation of the Turnover Volume of the Individuals Specified in Clause 2 of the Note to Article 45 and in Articles 52.1.10 and 52.1.11 of the Same Code
On the Abolition of the 'Rules for the Sale of Land Plots Where Objects Constructed at the Expense of Individuals or Non-State Legal Entities Are Located,' Approved by Order No. 215 of the Minister of State Property of the Republic of Azerbaijan Dated November 23, 2000
On the Approval of the Form and Period for the Submission of Information on Payment Accounts Opened by Electronic Money Institutions for Legal Entities, Local Branches of Foreign Legal Entities, and Individual Entrepreneurs in Accordance with Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan 'On Payment Services and Payment Systems'"
On the Approval of the Form and Period for the Submission of Information on Payment Accounts Opened by Electronic Money Institutions for Legal Entities, Local Branches of Foreign Legal Entities, and Individual Entrepreneurs in Accordance with Article 14 of the Law of the Republic of Azerbaijan 'On Payment Services and Payment Systems'
On the Approval of the Procedure for the Submission of Documents and Information in Electronic Form from the State Register of Real Estate via Electronic Information Systems Between the Ministry of Economy of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Azerbaijan, as well as the Implementation of Payments Related to the Transfer of Documents Resulting from Notarial Actions to the State Register of Real Estate, and Requirements for the Security of Information Exchange through Electronic Information Systems
On Amendments to the Instruction Approved by the Order No. 22 of the Ministry of Economic Development of the Republic of Azerbaijan Dated March 28, 2003, Regarding the Sale of Confiscated, Abandoned Property, and Property Transferred to State Ownership Based on Inheritance Rights at Auction, and On the Approval of the Procedure for the Organization and Conduct of Lotteries, the Procedure for the Organization and Conduct of Virtual Lotteries, and the Procedure for the Organization and Conduct of Stimulating Lotteries
On the Approval of the "List of Types of Entrepreneurial Activities Carried Out by Non-Residents in Industrial Parks" and the "Sample Form of the Lease Agreement for State-Owned Land (Lands) within the Industrial Park between the Managing Organization of the Industrial Park and the Non-Resident" Dated December 6, 2021, Decision No. 20 of the Collegium
On the Approval of the "Procedure for Granting Subsidies to Flour Producers for Each Ton of Flour Sold" Dated May 24, 2021, Decision No. 5 of the Collegium
On the Approval of the "Sample Charter of Centers for the Development of Small and Medium-Sized Enterprises" and the "Sample Charter of the Center for the Development of Public-Private Partnerships" Dated July 16, 2019, Collegium Decision No. 4
On the Approval of the "Sample Charter of Small and Medium Business Houses" Dated April 30, 2019, Collegium Decision No. 3
On the Approval of the "Procedure for the Organization and Management of Joint Industrial Parks" Dated February 2, 2018, Collegium Decision No. 2
On the Approval of the "Criteria for Evaluating Orders Received from Exporters Related to the Organization of Research and Development Programs" Dated November 3, 2016, Collegium Decision No. 20
On the Approval of the "Criteria for Determining Foreign Countries Where the 'Made in Azerbaijan' Brand Will Be Promoted, Public Places Where Advertisements Will Be Placed, and Mass Media" Dated October 18, 2016, Collegium Decision No. 18
On the Approval of the "Criteria for Identifying Stores or Store Chains Operating in Foreign Countries Where 'Made in Azerbaijan' Products Will Be Displayed, Including Duty-Free Stores" Dated October 18, 2016, Collegium Decision No. 17
On the Approval of the "Criteria for Evaluating Orders Received from Exporters Related to Conducting Market Research" Dated October 18, 2016, Collegium Decision No. 15
On the Approval of the "Criteria for the Decision on the Payment of Support Amounts to Exporters Who Have Participated Individually in Exhibitions and/or Fairs Organized in Foreign Countries" Dated October 18, 2016, Decision No. 16
On the Approval of the "Forms of the Investment Promotion Document and the Application to Obtain Such Document" Dated February 24, 2016, Collegium Decision No. 2
On the Approval of the Documents Specified in Subparagraphs 4.3, 7.1.6, and 7.1.17 of the "Model Regulations on Industrial Parks" Approved by the Decree No. 865 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Dated April 24, 2013" Dated January 22, 2015, Collegium Decision No. 2
On the Approval of the Minimum Thresholds for Investments Required for Legal and Natural Persons to Register in the Industrial Park and the Capital Investment for New Investment Projects" Dated September 3, 2013, Collegium Decision No. 13
On the Approval of a Number of Acts Arising from the "Model Regulations on Industrial Parks" Dated September 3, 2013, Collegium Decision No. 12
On the Approval of the "Administrative Regulations" Dated July 20, 2013, Collegium Decision No. 11
On the Approval of the "Form of the Application Submitted by Legal and Natural Persons to Register as Residents of the Industrial Park and the List of Documents to be Attached," the "Form of the Registration Certificate of the Industrial Park," and the "Procedure for Maintaining the Register of Residents of the Industrial Park" Dated May 15, 2013, Collegium Decision No. 08
On the Approval of the Forms of Supporting Documents" Dated April 17, 2013, Collegium Decision No. 05
On the Approval of the "Rules for Issuing Certificates Confirming the Country of Origin of Goods" Dated April 25, 2012, Collegium Decision No. 02
On the Approval of Acts Arising from the "Model Regulations on Agroparks" Approved by the Decree No. 1505 of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Dated December 21, 2021" Dated November 5, 2022, Collegium Decision No. 20