Voluntary Council

It is a group of active and selected volunteers who have worked at the Ministry of Economy for two months and have been awarded certificates and testimonials, as well as the persons of the corresponding department of the Ministry responsible for the volunteers.

Consideration of incoming applications and selection of volunteers is carried out by the "Volunteer Council".

Main functions of Volunteer Council

The Chairman of the Volunteer Council is the Head of the Human Resources Department.

The Secretary of the Volunteer Council is the person responsible for organizing volunteer activities.

The members of the Volunteer Council are the heads of sectors of the Department, the person responsible for organizing volunteer activities, and active volunteers who have worked at the Ministry for 2 months and were awarded a certificate and a testimonial.

Competencies of Volunteer Council:

  • to make joint decisions that will affect the activities of volunteers;
  • to hold discussions with volunteers on making amendments and changes to the rules of organization of volunteer activity;
  • to discuss the results of the volunteer assessment.

Responsibilities of the Volunteer Council:

  • provide volunteers with a supportive and safe working environment;
  • provide the necessary support in organizing volunteer activities;
  • reward volunteers for their contributions.