SMEs can benefit from number of tax incentives by joining SME cluster

Commercial legal entities intending to create an SME cluster can apply to KOBIA for an SME cluster certificate.

Micro, small and medium entrepreneurs can get a number of tax benefits by creating an SME cluster. The legislation provides for a number of tax benefits for the SME cluster company and its participant. Thus, the SME cluster company is exempted from land and property tax for profits, land used in SME cluster activities, and VAT for the import of technological equipment and facilities for a period of 7 years from the date of entry into the relevant register. A person who is a participant of an SME cluster is exempted from profit or income tax on the part of the profit or income obtained on the basis of the contract concluded with the SME cluster company, which is directed to the deduction of capital expenses.

A commercial legal entity intending to take advantage of the benefits provided for the SME cluster should obtain a SME cluster company certificate. For this, a commercial legal entity can apply to the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SMB) in writing (address: Baku city, Ziya Bunyadov avenue, 38C, 1969 block) or electronically (

A commercial legal entity must submit to the Agency an application, as well as a list of at least 10 micro, small or medium-sized business entities iintending to be a participant of the SME cluster and their application for participation in the activity of the SME cluster, the functional map of the SME cluster, the original of the decision on making changes to the legal entity's charter, and a copy of the project on making relevant changes to the charter. The application and other documents can be downloaded from the link:

Note that, SME cluster - a set of SME cluster companies and SME cluster participants that are established on the basis of location in the same or similar areas of economic activity, in a certain geographical region, share labor force, a single market and services, are connected by establishing mutual economic relations, complement each other and operate jointly.