Azerbaijan – Latvia Business Forum held

At the Azerbaijan – Latvia Business Forum, views were exchanged on deepening the trade and investment relations; bilateral meetings were held among entrepreneurs. 

The Azerbaijan – Latvia Business Forum has been held in Baku with the support of AZPROMO (the Export and Investment Promotion Agency). Alongside state officials, representatives of companies operating in the areas of agriculture, food industry, ICT, trade and others have taken part in the event. 

Noting the development of the economic and trade cooperation between the countries, Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Mammadov highlighted the importance of enhancing the ties between the business communities of both countries. The Deputy Minister spoke about the successful investment partnership between Latvia and Azerbaijan within the framework of the EU’s twinning programs. He also stressed that the diversification of the trade relations is among the priority directions of our economic agenda, as well as noted the prospects for developing cooperation in this field. 

Addressing the Forum, State Secretary of the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia Raivis Kronbergs shared views on prospects for collaboration in the areas of agriculture, renewable energy, ICT and tourism. The parties emphasized the significance of exchanging experience on business and education issues in the field of agriculture, as well as strengthening cooperation in terms of developing business solutions. 

At the event, Yusif Abdullayev, the Executive Director of AZPROMO, delivered a speech on Azerbaijan’s export and investment potential. In turn, Romāns Naudiņš, the Advisor at the Ministry of Agriculture of Latvia, talked about the opportunities offered by his country in the agrarian sector. Representatives of Latvian companies also made presentations at the Forum. 

The event continued with B2B meetings.