In 2024, more than 120 sectoral meetings and awareness-raising events were held with the participation of over 3,000 entrepreneurs.
Sectoral meetings and awareness-raising events on various topics are organized by the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SMBDA) to inform business entities about innovations in entrepreneurial activity, state support mechanisms, and to assess their challenges and needs. These meetings are held both online and offline in Baku and other regions of the country. Micro, small, and medium-sized business entities can regularly obtain detailed information about these sectoral meetings on SMBDA’s official website: (
At the same time, entrepreneurs can submit their suggestions for organizing sectoral meetings and awareness-raising events on topics of interest to them to the Agency via email at: (
In meetings and awareness-raising events organized with the participation of representatives from relevant state institutions and business associations, entrepreneurs are informed about available state support tools, business sector innovations, and solutions to issues that concern them. Their needs and suggestions are heard, and questions raised by entrepreneurs are directly answered by authorized representatives of state institutions on-site. Additionally, the issues raised by entrepreneurs in these sectoral meetings are addressed within the framework of the state-business cooperation platform, and the suggestions from entrepreneurs are summarized and presented to the relevant authorities.
In 2024, 121 sectoral meetings and awareness-raising events were organized by SMBDA in Baku and the regions, with more than 3,000 entrepreneurs participating. These events primarily covered sectors such as tea growing, grape growing, greenhouses, winemaking, animal husbandry, poultry farming, green energy, ecotourism, transportation, logistics, public catering, trade, agribusiness, import-export, advertising, and other fields of activity.