Activities of a number of enterprises in our country introduced to Uzbek businessmen

As is known, on August 1, the Agency for Development of Economic Zones (ADEZ) of the Ministry of Economy and the business associations of Uzbekistan (Uzbekipaksanoat Association and Uztekstilprom Association) signed memorandums of cooperation on the development of sericulture and silkworm breeding, as well as the cotton growing and textile industry in Tashkent.

Within the framework of cooperation, a delegation of Uzbek businessmen visited Azerbaijan. During the visit, the delegation was acquainted with a number of enterprises operating in our country.

The delegation visited Gilan Textile Park operating in Sumgait after getting acquainted with the work done in the Sumgait Chemical Industrial Park. The businessmen were briefed that textile products that meet international standards are produced here from high-quality Azerbaijani cotton. Textile Park has Spinning, Weaving, Dyeing and Clothing factories, producing various types of fabrics, bed linen, blankets, pillows, as well as fire-resistant and waterproof uniforms for various purposes, military and hospital clothing, gowns and hotel towels.

Entrepreneurs getting familiar with the activities of the Ginned Cotton production factory owned by P-Agro LLC in the Ujar region were informed that the products of the factory where ginned cotton, linden, lint and mohair are produced and about 200 employees work constantly, are exported (mainly ginned cotton) to Turkey, Iran, Ukraine, etc.

Further, the guests got familiar with the work done in Mingachevir Industrial Park and the activities of Mingachevir Textile LLC, a resident of the Industrial Park. As reported, the yarn is produced at the factory using the "Ring" and "Open End" methods using the technologies of Germany, Switzerland, Japan and Turkey. The company, with an investment value of USD 93.5 million, employed 475 permanent employees. So far, the company has produced products worth 189 million manats, of which 93% has been exported. The manufactured products were exported both to the domestic market and to Turkey, Russia, Portugal, Pakistan, Poland, Belgium, Ukraine and other countries under the Made in Azerbaijan brand.

Presentation of industrial zones and agricultural parks under the management of the Agency for Development of Economic Zones, as well as information on the activities of Yevlakh Pilot Agropark and the conditions that will be created here for entrepreneurs were presented to the guests. It was noted that Yevlakh Pilot Agropark would produce dried fruits, jams, meat and dairy products, pasta, canned food, fruit seedlings, seeds (barley and wheat), animal feed and fertilizers, vegetable plants in greenhouse conditions, etc.

Uzbek entrepreneurs getting familiar with the activities of Azeripak LLC, owned by Azerbaijan Industrial Corporation OJSC in the city of Shaki, were made aware that the enterprise with an annual production capacity of 3 thousand tons of wet cocoons produces silk kerchief (kelaghayi), scarves, raw silk, carpets, etc. For the first half of this year, the enterprise produced 341 tons of wet cocoons. The company employs 350 people.

Uzbek entrepreneurs working in the field of cotton and cocoon growing were acquainted with the sown areas of Yevlakh MKT IK LLC’s agro-park located in the Yevlakh region, and the plots of the Yevlakh Pilot Agropark intended for planting mulberry gardens.

As part of the visit, the delegation also got familiar with the activities of Gakh Pedigree Sericulture Station and Gakh Agropark of Ulu Agro LLC.