Development of cooperation with Bulgaria discussed

At the meeting with Bulgaria’s Minister of Energy, the development of cooperation in the economic sector, as well as opportunities for collaboration in the fields of energy, trade and industry were assessed.

Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov has held a meeting with Vladimir Malinov, Bulgaria’s Minister of Energy.

It was highlighted at the meeting that high level mutual visits, documents signed, events and discussions held have created a robust foundation for enhancing the relations with Bulgaria. The economic-trade relations with Bulgaria are strengthening. In January-May of 2024, the trade turnover with this country increased by more than 78%, amounting to over $240 million. There are wide opportunities for developing the investment partnership. Bulgarian companies operate in our country in the areas of industry, construction, trade and services.

It was noted that Azerbaijan plays a significant role in Europe’s energy security, and there are also broad opportunities for fostering the energy cooperation with Bulgaria.

The parties also explored the development directions of the economic collaboration between the two countries, as well as opportunities for establishing close cooperation in the fields of energy, trade and industry.