Calls to property management e-services amounted to 908,779 in H1 2022

The State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy is expanding the scope of e-services in order to facilitate the use of public services by the population, ensure transparency in this area and benefit from real-time services. Successful results have been achieved in this area in the first six months of this year.

Following the implementation of activities, 46 electronic services are currently used by citizens pursuant to areas of activity of the Service, of which 43 are interactive and 3 are information services. The services are provided both on the “e-Government” portal ( and on

In January-June of the current year, the State Service provided 908,779 e-services to citizens, individuals and legal entities covering various fields of activity. Compared to the same period in 2021, the number of electronic services amounted to 211,929, or 30.4% more.

The use of electronic solutions in this area focuses forward services that citizens use more often. 33 electronic services relate to the field of real estate registration and cadastre. 10 services for the state property privatization, and 3 services for the management and lease of state property are provided electronically.

The analysis shows that the vast majority of users turn to electronic services related to the registration of real estate. So, for the H1 2022, the number of electronic services for registering real estate totalled to 77,787. "Electronic Statement Verification" was the most used e-service, with number of uses amounting to 712,440.

In addition, online property management services have greatly increased the convenience and efficiency in this area. Citizens receive a real estate encumbrance certificate (Form-1) online from a notary public. In January-June 2022, the number of people who took advantage of this opportunity amounted to 100,861 people.

During this period, 17,691 applications were received to get electronic services for the privatization, management and lease of state property, another areas of the entity’s activities.

One of the important innovations in electronic services was the introduction of the Electronic System of Mortgage Paper. The number of users of the system, which began work in the field of real estate registration on June 16, reached 895. The system provides for the possibility of drawing up of a mortgage paper establishing the mortgage interests on real estate by mortgagors, registration of the paper in the name of mortgage holders, as well as the performance of relevant operations related to the termination of the mortgage paper in electronic form.

Given social factors and the principles of increasing the satisfaction of citizens, the State Service for Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy continues efforts to introduce innovations in the areas of activity, expand the scope of services, and optimize procedures.