Discussed development Issues of economic cooperation with Pakistan

Trade is one of the main areas of partnership with Pakistan, and work is underway to sign a Preferential Trade Agreement that will make a special contribution to this area.


Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov met with Musadik Masood Malik, Minister of State for Petroleum of the Islamic Republic of Pakistan.

The development of Azerbaijan-Pakistan relations was emphasized, the importance of large international oil and gas projects realized with the initiative and active participation of our country was noted at the meeting. It was pointed out that trade is one of the main directions of partnership with Pakistan, and work is ongoing to sign a Preferential Trade Agreement that will make a special contribution to this field.

Long-term strategic initiatives of Azerbaijan were discussed, regional and global energy projects, as well as realized investment projects were reported at the meeting. Potential opportunities for cooperation with Pakistani companies were considered in this regard, and other issues of mutual interest were exchanged.

The parties discussed the expansion of cooperation in energy, transit-logistics and industrial fields, the implementation of joint projects, the participation of Pakistani companies in the projects implemented in our territories liberated from occupation.