Meeting held with the founder and executive director of Starwood Capital Group

Issues of cooperation on investment in a number of fields, including the tourism sector, were discussed in the meeting with "Starwood Capital Group" company.


Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov met with Berry Sternlix, the founder and executive director of Starwood Capital Group, a company specializing in alternative investment management.

The measures implemented in the economic sphere in Azerbaijan, the results achieved, the favorable business environment of our country, the opportunities created for foreign investors, energy, especially alternative and renewable energy, logistics, tourism and other directions, and the existence of good opportunities for investment were emphasized and the potential of partnership with "Starwood Capital Group" company in this field was mentioned at the meeting.

The parties discussed new challenges against the backdrop of global economic trends, work done in our country to promote investments, and cooperation issues with the company in the field of investing in a number of fields, including the tourism sector.

Note: Starwood Capital Group, one of the leading investment companies in alternative investment management, was founded in 1991 and is headquartered in the United States. The company has invested in real estate, credit and energy infrastructure in more than 35 countries. Currently, more than 5,000 employees work in the institution's portfolio companies.