More than 7,000 citizens applied to the Citizen Reception Center in the Government House

Applications to the Citizen Reception Center at the Government House mainly covered human rights protection, public procurement, consumer protection, intellectual property registration, subsidy, property, water supply and other issues.


More than 7,000 citizens applied to the Citizens Reception Center operating in the Government House during its operation period. The appeals mainly covered human rights protection, public procurement, consumer protection, intellectual property registration, subsidy, property, water supply and other issues. The operative issues of citizens' appeals were resolved on the spot, written appeals requiring investigation were registered and directed accordingly in the center.

Note: Representatives of state agencies located in the Government House administrative building - the Ombudsman's Office, the Ministries of Culture, Economy, Agriculture and Energy, the Intellectual Property Agency, the State Committee for Family, Women and Children Affairs, and the Reclamation and Water Management JSC are represented in the Citizens Reception Center. The center started its operation on July 5, 2022 in order to implement the reception of citizens in a unified and coordinated manner. There is a general reception area, video reception rooms, special rooms for reception by the concerned officials and "Mother and child room".