Meetings held with WTO officials

The issues of our country's cooperation with the organization, the development of Azerbaijan's economy and foreign trade relations were discussed in the meetings with the Director General of the World Trade Organization Dr. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala and the Chair of the Working Group on the Accession of Azerbaijan, Alparslan Acarsoy.  


The Azerbaijani delegation led by the Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov visited Switzerland to participate in the 15th meeting of the Working Group established in the World Trade Organization (WTO) Secretariat regarding Azerbaijan's membership.

Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov met with the Director General of the World Trade Organization Mrs. Ngozi Okonjo-Iweala within the framework of the visit.

The Minister of Economy provided information about the socio-economic development goals of Azerbaijan, noted the importance of expanding relations with international organizations, the development of cooperation between our country and WTO countries, including the importance of the work done in connection with WTO membership. Information was given on the reforms implemented in the economic sphere, the results achieved, favorable business environment and opportunities created for investors in Azerbaijan.  

Discussions were held at the meeting on the possibilities of strengthening relations with the WTO, the priority directions of our country's cooperation with the members of the organization, the steps taken in connection with the WTO membership, as well as the position of Azerbaijan's economy in the world and the work done for the liberalization of trade.

Information was provided during the meeting of Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov with Alparslan Acarsoy, Chairman of the Working Group on Azerbaijan's WTO membership, on the measures taken to improve economic and trade relations, development of trade, acceleration of economic growth, and improvement of welfare.