Development of economic cooperation with Tajikistan discussed

The prospects for the development of bilateral economic relations and the promotion of mutual investments were discussed at the meeting with the Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan, Zavqi Zavqizoda.


Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov met with Tajikistan's Minister of Economic Development and Trade Zavqi Zavqizoda. It was emphasized at the meeting that friendly relations between our peoples, visits of heads of state, high-level meetings, signed documents, as well as business relations contribute to the development of relations between our countries. The Minister of Economy provided information about our country's National Priorities, sustainable economic development measures, regional and global energy projects that we are initiators and participants of, favorable business and investment environment. It was pointed out that there is a wide potential for developing cooperation with Tajikistan in a number of areas of industry, including the use of Azerbaijan's experience in the creation of industrial parks, digital trade, tourism and other areas.

The Minister of Economic Development and Trade of Tajikistan, Zavqi Zavqizoda, emphasized that his country attaches importance to the development of economic cooperation with Azerbaijan, is interested in using Azerbaijan's experience in the creation of industrial parks, and shared his views on the development of partnership.

​The parties discussed the prospects for the development of economic relations and the promotion of mutual investments.