More than 197,000 services provided to entrepreneurs in SME houses in the first half of the current year

The satisfaction level of entrepreneurs with the services provided in SME houses is 98%.


More than 197,000 services were provided to entrepreneurs in the SME houses in January-June of this year. More than 155,000 of the rendered services belong to "Baku SME House", more than 29,000 to "Yevlakh SME House", and more than 13,000 to "Khachmaz SME House".

More than 190,000 services were provided by government agencies ("G2B"), and nearly 7,300 were provided by business organizations ("B2B").    

Entrepreneurs have turned to SME houses for obtaining certificates of origin, banking, transport, tax, customs, utilities, postal and other services.

The satisfaction level of entrepreneurs with the services provided in SME houses is 98%.

Cari ilin I yarısında KOB evlərində yeni xidmətlər də sahibkarların istifadəsinə verilib.

It should be noted that the SME houses are part of the structure of the Small and Medium Business Development Agency (SMB) and the Agency has created the necessary conditions for the provision of business services to entrepreneurs in a single space on the basis of operational, transparent and citizen satisfaction. Currently, business entities in SME houses are provided with business registration, obtaining licenses and permits, preparation of a business plan, access to preferential financial resources, tax, customs, advertising, food safety, connection to communal services, banking, insurance, notary and other services necessary for entrepreneurial activity. In total, more than 250 "G2B" and "B2B" services are provided to entrepreneurs in Baku, Khachmaz and Yevlakh SME houses by more than 50 state and private institutions.