About 8,000 SMBs and individuals wishing to start business received training and consulting services

In the first half of 2022, the Agency for the Development of Small and Medium Businesses (SMBDA) under the Ministry of Economy provided training, consultations and other services to about 8 thousand micro, small and medium entrepreneurs, as well as individuals wishing to start their own business, with the aim of improving their knowledge and skills.

Small and medium business development centers (SMBDC) operating in 21 cities and regions of the country organized more than 400 free business trainings with the participation of above 6,000 entrepreneurs who want to start their own business, and start-ups. The trainings covered business planning and development, green economy, corporate law, marketing and sales, finance, taxes, insurance, personnel management, export, business law, professional communication skills etc.

During this period, about 1,000 entrepreneurs received consulting services from SMBDCs in the field of coordination with public and private institutions, access to financial resources and other directions for the implementation of business ideas.

In the first half of 2022, SMBDCs supported entrepreneurs and those who want to start a business in developing business plans for about 170 projects that will cover Baku city and regions.

SMBDCs supported the establishment of over 180 new SMBs.

Approximately 800 people have taken advantage of SMBDA’s video learning platform to increase the knowledge and awareness of SMBs, those who want to start business and startups online in business field, and to meet their training needs. Note that small and medium enterprises and individuals who want to start their own business can use 180 free teaching videos in the field of starting a business, corporate law, project management, finance, sales, marketing, tourism and export process management by registering in the video learning platform section of the www.kobim.az.

During this period, 22 entrepreneurs and managers successfully passed the interview and took part in the international training course in Germany within the framework of the "German-Azerbaijani joint program for advanced training of managers in the business community of Azerbaijan", which was coordinated by SMBDA and the German Agency for International Cooperation (GIZ). In total, more than 500 entrepreneurs and managers took advantage of the program in 2009-2022.