The State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy held a press conference on the results of 2022

The State Service on Property Issues under the Ministry of Economy held a press conference on the results of its activities for 2022. The head of the State Service, Metin Eynullayev, informed the media representatives about the work done during the past year and the measures planned for this year. Speaking about the successful reforms carried out under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev, Matin Eynullayev said that State Service on Property Issues has taken relevant measures in the areas of state property management, privatization, real estate registration and cadaster, land management and other areas, as well as the restoration and construction of liberated territories. The State Service continued to take measures in 2022 to improve real estate management and property relations, electronic services, increase transparency, and citizen satisfaction.

About 1 million electronic applications were received over the past year from citizens, legal and natural persons, municipalities, and government agencies for 46 state services in the areas of activity of the Service. The wide opportunities created by the service for participation in the privatization of state property are aimed at accelerating the process and attracting investments. 304 small state-owned enterprises and facilities, shares of 16 joint-stock companies, state-owned land plots where 262 facilities are located, and 513 vehicles were privatized during 2022. In total, 60 auctions were held last year for the purpose of privatizing state property.

3 state-owned enterprises were put up for investment competition and privatized during 2022. The investors who won the investment competitions for the privatization of these enterprises are expected to invest 30 million manats, create about 300 jobs and transfer 12 million manats to the state budget in a one-time manner within the framework of the investment programs they presented.

State budget revenues from privatization amounted to 115.4 million manats in 2022. It is 2.4% or 2.7 million manats more than the corresponding period of 2021.

High results were achieved in the area of leasing state property. Thus, in total 3,819 new lease agreements were concluded in 2022, which is more than twice as compared to the previous year. In particular, the number of new contracts in the field of land lease increased by almost 3 times compared to the same period in 2021 and reached 2961. In total 24.8 million manats were paid to the state budget last year from the lease of state property (non-residential and land plots). It should be noted that 8.6 million manats or 53% more than in 2021 were paid from rent to the state budget in 2022.

The results obtained in the field of real estate registration, simplification of procedures and expansion of the scope, improvement of the normative legal framework in this field were also discussed at the press conference. Information was also given in the event about the work done within the framework of the Decree of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Mr. Ilham Aliyev dated April 7, 2022 on the "Regulation of rights over the apartments of residential buildings and multi-apartment residential buildings built at the expense of state funds in connection with the elimination of the consequences of natural disasters, man-made accidents and military operations, as well as the regulation of some issues related to the land plots on which they are located”. It was reported that mobile registration service was provided in Zagatala, Shamakhi, Tartar and in Agdam regions in January of this year, in accordance with the implementation of the decree, the property rights of the citizens were registered and extracts from the state register were issued to them. A list of about 12,000 private residential buildings was submitted by the executive authorities of 35 districts (cities). The ownership rights on about 2 thousand immovable properties were registered in the state register on the basis of the applications of the persons whose names are mentioned in the list.

In addition, in accordance with the Decree of the head of state "On some issues of regulation of land relations" dated October 7, 2021, registration of shared lands that are not secured with documents for the right of ownership at the expense of public funds continued in 2022. About 39,000 applications were received in this direction, and more than 32,000 of them were implemented.

 In general, the highest rate was recorded in the field of real estate registration across the country in 2022, compared to previous years. Thus, ownership rights on 382,319 real estates were state registered in 2022. The number of documents confirming the ownership of real estate increased by 25.2% in 2022 compared to the same period of 2021.

There was a presentation of the Karabakh Digital Geoinformation System within the framework of the event, which was created for the purpose of collecting information about real estate and infrastructure objects in the liberated territories in a reliable and centralized electronic environment.

 The questions of the media representatives were answered at the end of the event.