A conference was held on the topic "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan's tax system: towards new challenges"

A conference dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of national leader Heydar Aliyev was held on February 10 in the administrative building of the Ministry of Economy on the topic "Heydar Aliyev and Azerbaijan’s tax system: towards new challenges". The event was attended by the management of the Ministry of Economy and the State Tax Service under the ministry, MPs, representatives of government agencies, higher educational institutions, public associations of entrepreneurs, businessmen and media representatives. The memory of national leader Heydar Aliyev was honored with a minute of silence, and a film about the Great Leader was demonstrated at the opening ceremony of the conference.

The head of the State Tax Service (STS), Orkhan Nazarli greeted the participants of the event, and suggested to hold a minute's silence in memory of those who died as a result of the strong earthquake that occurred in Turkey. Speaking at the conference, the head of STS made an overview of the economic reforms carried out under the direct leadership of national leader Heydar Aliyev. He said that one of the most important components of Azerbaijan's national development strategy - the establishment of a strong national economy - achieved great success as a result of the Great Leader's far-sighted policy. In addition, the fundamental foundations of the modern tax system of Azerbaijan were established with the direct initiative and participation of the National Leader. Strong and efficient mechanisms of tax policy have been formed thanks to the creation of a unified legislative framework in the tax field, modernization of tax administration, and improvement of the management system. O.Nazarli pointed out that as a result of the development of this conceptual approach by the head of state Ilham Aliyev in the later period tax policy has begun to serve not only the fiscal goals of ensuring budget revenues, but also the goals of accelerating economic development in the country, creating a favorable investment environment with optimal taxation mechanisms, and stimulating the development of entrepreneurship.

Commenting on the indicators of 2022, the head of STS said that ensuring tax revenues to the state budget, expanding digitalization upon establishing a range of services to taxpayers and effective tax control over business activities are the main priorities of tax authorities. Emphasizing that the State Tax Service ensures the implementation of its fiscal obligations, O. Nazarli said that tax revenue of 15.5 billion manats was provided to the state budget for the first time in 2022, which is 82.2 percent more than in 2021.

Tahir Mirkishili, chairman of the  Committee for Economic Policy, Industries and Enterprising of the Milli Majlis, spoke about the reforms carried out under the leadership of the national leader Heydar Aliyev in the direction of the development of the national economy, the formation and improvement of the budget and tax legislation, as well as the goals facing the tax policy. The deputy noted that one of the reasons for the increase in tax collections is the confidence of citizens in the state. And this belief is based on the policy of the head of state. Noting the positive results of the digitalization of the economy in determining the tax base, T. Mirkishili emphasized the support of the business environment in the new economic conditions created in the country, the improvement of economic management and tax administration in accordance with new challenges.

Speaking at the event, Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov stressed that great leader Heydar Aliyev attaches special importance to the economic progress of the country and the development of the business environment: The National Leader, who noted the leading role of tax policy as an important component of the national economic strategy with his thesis "We must regulate the market economy through taxes"- is the initiator and founder of the formation of the tax system of the independent Azerbaijan state. M. Jabbarov said that the national tax system, founded by national leader Heydar Aliyev, has undergone a fundamental modernization process under the leadership of the President of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ilham Aliyev over the past 20 years, the material and technical base has been expanded, and the tax administration has been fundamentally restructured technologically. Noting that despite the high level of positive dynamics of oil and gas prices in 2022, 50 percent of the state budget's revenues are generated by the non-oil and gas sector, the minister drew attention to the important role of tax authorities in increasing budget revenues and the successes achieved. Stating that regulatory functions of the tax system play an important role in the process of ensuring economic growth in the country, M. Jabbarov announced the main goals of the tax policy in the coming period. He emphasized that these goals will be realized, first of all, on the basis of economic incentives: “We see this in the example of the liberated territories. As you know, very wide incentives were adopted in the field of tax, social protection, and customs legislation since the beginning of this year, based on the task and initiative of Mr. President”. The minister noted that the expansion of digitalization in tax policy is an important direction. In particular, the synchronization of cooperation between the State Tax Service and the State Customs Committee in recent months should be noted. In fact, this allowed to ensure the application of the same approaches for taxpayers and increased the efficiency of the activities of both agencies.

The conference continued its work with sessions on "The role of Heydar Aliyev in the formation of the modern tax system and his activities in the field of economic policy", "Modern tax policy: business-state relations and international trends" and "Restoration of territories liberated from occupation: tax policy as an incentive tool".

MP Ziyad Samadzade, Deputy Minister of Economy Sahib Alakbarov, Advisor to the Head of the State Tax Service Elchin Mammadov, Rector of UNEC Adalat Muradov and Director of Economic Scientific- Research Institute Mahir Humbatov have made a speech in the session dedicated to the topic " The role of Heydar Aliyev in the formation of the modern tax system and his activities in the field of economic policy". The deputy head of the State Tax Service Samira Musayeva and the head of the general department Nijat Imanov, the president of AMCHAM Nargiz Nasrullayeva-Muduroglu, the vice-rector of ADA University Fariz Ismayilzade and the president of the Azerbaijan Banks Association Zakir Nuriyev's speeches were heard in the session on "Modern tax policy: business-state relations and international trends". The speeches were heard by the head of the General Department of the STS Alakbar Mammadov, the head of the department of the Ministry of Economy Zamin Badirkhanov, deputy Fatma Yildirim, as well as the director of the Institute of Economics of the Ministry of Science and Education Nazim Imanov in the session organized under the theme "Restoration of territories liberated from occupation: tax policy as a tool of promotion".

A broad exchange of views was held on the mentioned topics.