The Minister of Economy met with the Head of the Republic of Dagestan

The delegation headed by the Head of the Republic of Dagestan Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov met with the Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov during his visit to Azerbaijan.

Mutually beneficial relations with the Russian Federation, including its constituent entities, were noted, and the prospects of economic cooperation were emphasized at the meeting. The Minister of Economy pointed out that the favorable business and investment environment created in Azerbaijan, as well as the great economic potential of our territories liberated from occupation, open up new opportunities for regional cooperation, including the expansion of relations with the constituent entities of the Russian Federation. And the geographical proximity to Dagestan creates more favorable conditions for cooperation.

The Head of the Republic of Dagestan, Abdulmuslim Abdulmuslimov, emphasized that Dagestan, like other regions of the Russian Federation, attaches great importance to partnership with Azerbaijan, and noted the importance of developing relations between business circles and implementing joint projects in a wider realization of economic potential.

The parties exchanged views on strengthening cooperation in trade, investment, SMEs, industry and other fields.