Strengthening of economic cooperation with the Czech Republic discussed

There are ample opportunities for partnership with the Czech Republic in trade, investment, industry, including the automotive industry, energy, transit-logistics, agriculture, digital technologies and innovations, tourism and other areas.

Deputy Minister of Economy, Co-Chairman of the Joint Commission on Economic, Scientific,Technical and Cultural Cooperation between the Government of the Republic of Azerbaijan and the Government of the Czech Republic Sahib Mammadov met with the head of the Czech-Azerbaijan inter-parliamentary friendship group of the Chamber of Deputies of the Parliament of the Czech Republic, Jan Kubik. The deputy minister emphasized the potential for strengthening the economic and trade partnership and noted that the Azerbaijan-Czech Joint Commission is a useful platform in this regard. The business conference organized within the framework of the 5th meeting of the Commission in Prague in March of this year and the discussions held with the heads of Czech companies contributed to the development of business dialogue.

It was mentioned that there are ample opportunities for expansion of cooperation between our countries in the fields of investment, trade, industry, innovation, transport-transit and tourism. In addition, it is possible to cooperate with Czech companies within the framework of the available industrial zones in Azerbaijan, as well as the Alat Free Economic Zone.

Jan Kubik noted the beneficial cooperation between Azerbaijan and the Czech Republic and shared his views on the directions of expansion of relations. The head of the friendship group pointed out the wide opportunities for partnership in the industry, including the automobile industry, transport-transit and other areas. He also spoke about the activities of companies interested in cooperation with Azerbaijan in the Czech Republic.

Information was provided at the meeting on the favorable business and investment environment created in Azerbaijan, the restoration and construction works carried out in our territories liberated from occupation, and Czech companies were invited to invest in Azerbaijan, including Karabakh.