Prime Minister Ali Asadov visited Baku shipyard

Prime Minister of the Republic of Azerbaijan Ali Asadov visited the Baku Shipyard on July 29.

The prime minister got acquainted with the works done at the plant, the projects implemented so far and potential projects.

A deliberation was held during the meeting with the participation of Minister of Economy Mikayil Jabbarov, Executive Director of "Azerbaijan Investment Company" OJSC Ulvi Mansurov and Chairman of the Board of Baku Shipyard Elshad Nuriyev.

Presentations were made at the meeting on the plant's activity and plans to increase its production capacity, the necessity of establishing the enterprise's work more efficiently and increasing the commercial efficiency of its activity against the background of the increase in the transport-transit potential of our country was emphasized.

The issues of attracting a financing mechanism and long-term loans for sustainable and full use of the production capacity of the plant, creating new closed areas to increase the production capacity of the enterprise, as well as expanding the technical capabilities of the plant for the production of renewable energy were also discussed.

A task was given to the Ministry of Economy to present specific proposals for increasing the plant's potential and expanding production works.

There was later a meeting with the workers in the territory of the plant.